Tag Archives: this house needs paint

Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: This House Needs Paint

After taking last week off for Colm’s wedding festivities (congratulations Lisa and Colm!) I’m back in it, full force, for the time being! Pete and I got title suggestions at our show last night, which leads us into my FMF this week:

This House Needs Paint

This movie is shot entirely on a go-pro or some other handheld type camera is a found footage type of thing. Doug and Jen are newly married and have been looking for a house. The real estate agent, Kim, takes them around to tons of houses for days on end. After many failed attempts, mostly because of budget restraints and other bidders coming in at the last minute it seems like Doug and Jen are out of luck until they are driving with Kim and she says “Well there is one other house that’s in you price range…” Continue reading

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