Tag Archives: Derek Luke

Fake Movie Friday – Truck U

So I haven’t made anything really senseless in a while so I wanted to make a road trip film about Food Truck purveyors and the adventure to get the prime location.

Truck U opens on John Martin’s famous Food Truck, “Food N Things.”  John is played by an irish accented Alec Baldwin.  He is seen as somewhat of a legend in the food truck industry.  He’s been slinging all types of foods for years and all the other food trucks and carts look at him as a god.  He’s got the best location in all of NYC, right in the middle of Times Square.  We see in a few interviews everyone loves him, so obviously he’s about to die.   He dies and this sends a ripple through the food truckers, but it also opens the opportunity for one of the other food trucks to take over his location.   The way this world works, the only way you can get to work out of a dead truckers location is to compete in a cross country food truck race where you have to not only make  the most profit, but also win the race.  So that’s the back story.
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