Monthly Archives: June 2012

Fake Movie Friday: Almost Like Family

‘People Like Us’ comes this week. Don’t think we will fit it in for this week’s podcast but it’s the type of movie I just don’t get. It’s never going to win an award. It’s not going to make a lot of money. It can’t be meaningful to anyone because the plot is just so absurd. So here’s my shot at such a overly emotional pile of family poo.

Almost Like Family

The film opens on a woman walking around a kitchen in a short t-shirt and only her underwear making breakfast. She looks super happy and dances about setting up a tray of food. She walks with it and shouts something cute about last night and opens the bedroom door. She is cut off when she finds the room empty, the window open, and a man running down the street putting his clothes on.
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Fake Movie Friday Submissions: Bulls and Bears

Dunn hits another out of the park. No introduction needed. Enjoy!

I think we can all agree that what has been missing from kid’s movies in the recent years is finance. Well I have the solution for that, I present

Bulls and Bears
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Fake Movie Friday: Death Hits

Here I am in Chicago, watching a 4 year old and 3 month old, dodging a thunder storm and of course writing my FMF! So here we go. This title probably has nothing to do with the movie.

Death Hits

Peter (played by Peter Smith) and Russ (played by Russ Stevens, or if he’s not available Hank Azaria) write for a semi-popular movie website with their friend Alex (played by Alex Kovios). Pete was the shining star of the website until Russ started to write more articles, receiving the most comments of any one, making Pete extremely jealous. Blinded by rage and alcohol Pete comes up with a plan to kill Russ. He writes it all out, then realizes how dumb he is being, laughs about it and goes to sleep.

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Fake Movie Friday Submissions: The Wife of Bath

Ashley returns again with possibly the most creative Fake Movie Friday we’ve seen. After two weeks of strange murder tails she comes in to try and show that she is more intelligent than us. Enjoy!

This fake movie friday is inspired by, and loosely based on, Chaucer’s “Wife of Bath” tale in The Canterbury Tales. With Frankenweenie coming out, I thought it would be fun to make this one stop motion as well. It is set at some point in the past, with the a family living in a small two bedroom cottage, in a small town, possibly in the UK or New England.

The Wife of Bath
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Fake Movie Friday – Kiss Cam

I made a Romantic Comedy.  Why?  Because they are easy as hell to make, and do well.

Kiss Cam is the latest romantic comedy from  Nicholas Stoller.  Kiss Cam stars Jason Segel and Natalie Portman.

The film opens up with a split screen shot of two couples, Ben and Michelle (played by Jason Segel and Elizabeth Banks), and Jane and Mike (played by Natalie Portman and Mike Vogel).  They are both rushing to get ready to go somewhere and we don’t really know where exactly.  Michelle doesn’t really want to go, and we see that Mike doesn’t either, but Ben and Jane are both pushing them to get ready faster.  Anyway they both get in the car and you can see they are both heading to Yankee Stadium.  When they arrive, Ben throws on a Derek Jeter jersey and Jane put on her green Red Sox cap and David Ortiz t-shirt.  It is clear these two are die-hard fans.  Anyway as they find their seats in the nosebleeds the split screen merges into one as they all sit down simultaneously next to each other.  As the game is going on we can see that Michelle and Mike really don’t have a lot of interest in the game.  Michelle thinks it’s boring, and Mike is texting and laughing at the response to the texts (we think he might be cheating).

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Man With The Iron Trailer

We talked earlier this week about this film, now we are excited to share a trailer. I think Russell Crowe will steal the show in this one. Something I didn’t know was WWE’s Batista as some sort of golden Colossus, which is brilliant.

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Oblivion & How M83 Will Make Sweet Love To It

The Tom Cruise starring futuristic sci-fi film Oblivion will be out next spring.  It is being directed by Joseph Kosinski of the beautiful-looking Tron:Legacy.  One of the coolest things about it was the look of the grid.  Kosinski has a good eye for stuff like that and Oblivion is his film completely meaning he wrote it, so I’m hopeful that his writing skills match-up to his ability to shoot a scene.  It’s about a future where Tom Cruise is one of the last men left on earth and his job is to repair drones that help protect us from aliens.  Morgan Freeman is in it too, so that’s good.  I’m assuming a lot more will happen than that, but it has me at the premise.

It’s been filming for a while and wraps production in about a month or so.  Word has it that the Prog-Rock Electronic band M83 has been tapped to do the score for the film.  Without seeing one bit of footage of this film, I know that this is an inspired choice.  Joseph Kosinski was a music video director prior to directing films, so this is a case of him reaching back a bit I’m sure, but I give him full credit for this for two reasons:

1) M83 is one of my favorite bands of the last 3-4 years

2) Daft Punk’s score made Tron:Legacy a better film than it had any business being.

I liked Tron:L, but I can agree it had many many flaws.  However, the music was not one of them.  The music fully ingratiated me into the world further, and was awesome.  It also wasnt just a soundtrack.  It was a full score.  I think M83 can pull this off as well.  They do epic music better than most.

A teaser trailer for this film can’t come soon enough.

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Marvel Studios is Brilliant

We’ve been talking a whole lot about Black Panther recently, but it seems Marvel has pulled a bit of a switcher-oo on us. The BP may still be happening but coming in 2014 is a film adaptation of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy.’ This is an absolutely brilliant move. Why?

Because you can’t name a single member of the team.
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The Newest Marvel Film Franchise Is?

The Guardians of the Galaxy. 

According to one of the more reputable film sites Latino Review, they are reporting that not only is the second Marvel film of 2014 to be Guardians of the Galaxy, but it will also feature Thanos.  Thanos we all know will be the villain of the next Avengers film.  This film would be based on the 2008 lineup of Guardians.

I don’t know if this is true yet, because Disney hasn’t spoken on the issue yet, but I can definitely see it.  The best stuff about Thor was the Asgard stuff, and with Marvel, so much of what they will be doing in Avengers films is otherworldly, so why not add a bit more context to the cosmic layer of the Marvel Film Universe?  My only issues:

-Guardians are made up of second and third tier characters, and theres very little familiarity with the product.

-I hope it doesn’t come at the cost of the Black Panther film.  It could very well be the Avengers’ Batman.  Shoehorning him into the sequel really doesn’t work if you are focusing so much on the expansion of the cosmic stuff.  The only thing that would make sense at this point would be putting him in the next Captain America film as Cap is now in the modern day and his shield is made of Vibranium which is found is Wakanda.  I wouldn’t love that cause the tonal differences of Cap and BP are very different.  It’s like Superman and Batman.  It would take a very deft hand to meld those two.

Again, this is all unconfirmed at this point, but it’s worth thinking about.


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David O’Russell & Bradley Cooper Make OSCARBAIT?

The trailer for the Bradley Cooper/Jennifer Lawrence vehicle Silver Linings Playbook just made its way on the web.  It also stars Robert DeNiro, John Ortiz, and the oft-reclusive Chris Tucker in a comedy about two screwed up people who meet and fall in love.  From the trailer I get the sense that this would like to be Oscarbait, but will settle for Golden Globesbait, and who wants that? It’s adapted from a book that I haven’t read.

One interesting thing is that it appears Lawrence is playing mid to late 20’s in this film when she’s actually like 21, and still capable of aging down to play high schoolers.  She’s in that elusive sweetspot for female actresses where you are up for damn near any role Hollywood throws out between 16 and 32.  She’ll be in everything soon, until she ages like Pfeiffer and they take her out to the glue factory.

Check it:

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