Monthly Archives: June 2013

Fake Movie Friday: Break Their Hearts

So here we go. It’s part 2 of the ‘Their Hearts’ Trilogy. If you missed part one you are a GODDAMN ASSHOLE, but here is a link to Bless Their Hearts. Once again this film is based on the best selling series of young adult books that I made up. It’s the dark 2nd chapter.

Break Their Heart: Part 2 of the Their Hearts Saga
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Movie Movie Podcast #43: The is the Pussy Riot of Steel: The Story of Wikileaks

Will we get to heaven? I kind of doubt it. Well Alex might, but that’s only because of the amount of shit he puts up with from us. The other three of us, no chance. No chance at all. Don’t worry though, Pete, Russ and I will keep podcasting through the end of times, I can guarantee you that. What else are we gonna do? Join Russ, Alex (for now), Pete and myself as we wax theological with This is the End, rebel against Putin with Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer, listen to Alex talk about We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks, and bitch bitch bitch about Man of Steel. Recorded on June 19th 2013.

Fake Movie Friday: Smooch and the Gang

A very drunk Zach gave me this suggestion after Pig Pile last night. I actually can’t remember if it was Smooch or Smoosh, but smooch seems to make more sense for whatever this becomes because I have no idea what I’m going to write so let’s start.

Smooch and the Gang

We open on a montage of television news from the 70s talking about Smooch and the Gang, a huge band that was at the top of their game. The clips fade out to show they are a part of a ‘Where are They Now’ type show. The band broke up as their popularity waned in the 80s and their leader Smooch disappeared from the public eye. The show is interrupted as a bottle crashes through the TV as an older over weight Smooch yells at the TV.
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Movie Movie Podcast #42: The/Internship/Purge/About/Nothing 2

Well this one is a little awkward. We’re all over the place this week, and there are a lot of single person reviews. Sort of a new direction we’re trying. Remember how everyone liked new coke jokes? Then they got old and no one knows what new coke is anymore? It’s kind of like that. Join Peter, Alex, Russ and myself as we expel our anger with The Purge, explore the found footage of found footage horror movies with V/H/S 2, google ourselves with The Internship, and class it up a notch with Much a Do About Nothing. Recorded on June 13th 2013.

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Fake Movie Friday: Flies Attack

Yeah I know it’s late but listen, I’m a man with man needs! And as a man I have things to do. Such as get a burrito. So summer in my apartment building means flies. Thus a houseguest gave this suggestion.

Flies Attack

Movie opens with fire trucks speeding through a small town. People are running out of their homes chasing after them. The camera follows to a school burning to the ground. There are only a few students outside as the parents arrive realizing their kids never made it. The camera pans to one student standing stone faced as cops scream around him. TITLE
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Movie Movie Podcast #41: After You See Earth

I thought we were going to stop doing this to ourselves, but alas here we are. Join Russ, Alex, Peter and myself as we practice our slight of hand with Now You See Me and learn that fear is a choice with After Earth. Recorded on June 4th 2013.

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Fake Movie Friday: Dee Ay Dee

Another Thursday night writing session. I was about to write the second film in the “Their Hearts Trilogy” but I’m too tired. I really want to plan out the story for parts 2 + 3. The Taft trilogy was really loosely connected but these are straight sequels. So let’s crap something out instead.

Dee Ay Dee

We start on a montage of a little girl, Rose, and her working class father, Mickey. As she grows up it’s clear she is extremely gifted. Reading everything in the house and spelling things. Her father ignores het talent as she grows up. She wins a few spelling bees as a kid in school and gets invited to nationals. Her father still doesn’t seem to care but agrees to take her.
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