Category Archives: New Comic Wednesday

New Comic Wednesday

Hollywood has been looking for another Bourne. to solve this problem they actually created another Bourne. Bit lazy, but who is surprised by this. What they are really looking for is a story that mixes action with espionage. They could find this in Dancer.

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New Comic Wednesday

This is a very exciting new comic book day. There’s been news of ‘Black Panther’, ‘Wonder Woman’, ‘Justice League’, and ‘Captain America 2.’ Also I may watch the ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ trailer over 20 times today. Let’s take a look at yet another suggestion of a comic that could jump from the page to the screen


Higher Earth
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New Comic Wednesday

It’s no secret that studios are looking for their own ‘Hunger Games.’ A film about a dystopian future with dangerous activities for teens is in demand. Especially if these activities are of the reality show vain.

This is where ‘America’s Got Powers’ comes in perfectly. Also it’s got superheroes. DONE.
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New Comic Wednesday

Jonathan Hickman has been writing this book like a mad man. He’s trying his best to tell these grand stories because he realizes the FF are so much more than what we’ve seen lately. He’s hitting the mark that the two films missed so much.
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New Comic Wednesday

Fury Max
We need a Nick Fury movie. He’s such a rich character with a giant history. He’s also a figure head of the entire new marvel movie universe and very little is known about him. How did he get to where he is? How is SHEILD what it is? Who does it answer to? Who was that strange cabal he kept talking to on the Helicarrier?
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New Comic Wednesday

I buy comics every Wednesday. A movie is released based on a comic book practically every month. 80% of these films piss me off. 19% entertain me. 1% make me really happy.

Each Wednesday here at Movie Movie, I’ll be talking about a book I’m buying that could be a movie.
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