But With Parkour!

Red Bull, yes the energy drink, have announced plans to produce a movie? What is it you ask? Probably an extreme sports documentary? A Tony Hawk bio-pic? Maybe an update of ‘Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines’ but with flutag?

No you dumb bastard, its an updated version of ‘Oliver Twist’ simply entitled ‘Twist.’ Here’s the twist, it will be set in present day focussing mainly on Fagin’s gang

Galleries of parkour photos can be seen at https://thebestparkourgear.com/

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“I want some more”
“Don’t you say please boy?”
“NO!” *flips across table and out small window*

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6 thoughts on “But With Parkour!

  1. johnnytigs says:

    What? That’s a joke right?

  2. peter says:

    Wait! It’s also in 3d!!!

  3. Dunn says:

    Best Fake Movie Friday Ever! Wait, it’s only Wednesday…

  4. russ says:

    I’m sold. Can’t wait. Not being ironic or sarcastic.

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