Hey there Movie Movie Fan Fans, just a friendly lil’ reminder about Fake Movie Friday this week. We’ve been hearing from a lot of people that its their favorite thing on the site.
We are also hearing that a lot of people out their want to write one but just haven’t.
Well that is dumb. Just write whatever comes to mind. We look forward to submissions each and every week and want to read yours! Yeah I’m talking to you fair reader.
Tonight we are meeting up with our Bro-ducer Matt and recording the 2nd Mega Mega Podcast. We’ll be discussing ‘Ted’, ‘Magic Mike’, ‘The Savages’, and ‘The Amazing Spider-Man.’
Also our live variety show PIG PILE is tomorrow! 930pm at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City. Join us for some great guests performances and us making a Fake Movie Friday right their live on stage!