Tag Archives: there’s no turning black

Is Beautiful Creatures the first adaptation of a Fake Movie Friday?

So it isn’t exactly the same, but this movie certainly shares a lot of things in common with Johnny Tig’s There’s no Turning Black. The movie itself looks like pretty dumb, but if it was named There’s no Turning Black I would be first in line.

Via Ain’t It Cool

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Fake Movie Friday: There’s No Turning Black

Zach gave me this title last night. Russ told me I had to do it and make it really racist. I think I can make this really stupid instead.

There No Turning Black

Cedwick is a good kid. He’s smart, helps out around the house, does all of his school work, just a damn good kid. Trouble is he is the only one. The only white mage living in a town full of black mages’. His step parents have tried to turn him evil but there is nothing they can do to help. Their black magic spells don’t work on him, unlike all other white mages, so they decided they had to take him in.

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