Fake Movie Friday Retrospective: Russ

Just a few more days to ONE YEAR! Today we will be taking a look back at the work of the Russ Stevens. He has the sweetest podcast voice out of all of us and can write a pretty dang good Fake Movie Friday

Charlie falls
Russ’ Fake Movie Friday journey started with this indie coming of age film. Russ is the best at really dissecting a genre and pointing out everything wrong with it.

Family Ink
What makes a FmF like this one, and most Russ films, great is that there are amazing cliche story beats filled with absolute shit. Give this a read if you like family drama and competitive tattooing.

Kiss Cam
This is the best romantic comedy ever made. Hands down.

Grand Pliè
Ballet + Oliver Twist = Gold

Bodega Catz
Far and away Russ’ best FmF. Sometimes the best films come from genres that you have no business writing about.
