Tag Archives: the creek and the cave

Movie Movie Podcast #13: The Still Bourne Legacy

bourne legacy french poster

Were you there for our first ever LIVE podcast? It happened just a few hours ago. If you missed it, or if you want a memento of your experience at the show, we’ve recorded it for you and we’re posting it right now! That’s right! Join Peter, Russ, Alex, the crowd at The Creek  and the Cave in Long Island City and myself as we discuss The Bourne Legacy. Recorded live at The Creek and the Cave on August 16th 2012.

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Pig Pile 33: Special Live Show w/ Podcast!

You guys,

Our monthly Pig Pile variety show is back tomorrow at 9:30pm at The Creek and the Cave.  We have some great standup’s and one of our favorite improv troupes performing.  This is going to be a great show right there.  It’s going to be an even better show because at the end we (Priest and the Beekeeper) are going to stick around and do Movie Movie Podcast right in front of you!

We’re going to record our cast as we usually do, and talk about The Bourne Legacy, but we are also going to get the audience involved and get your opinions about the newest Bourne film, the old Bourne films, or whatever tangents we go off on.  I think it’s going to be fun any way you slice it!  All you have to do is show up and be prepared to participate (and also see The Bourne Legacy between now and tomorrow evening)!

The Olympics are over.  Get out of your house and live your life!

Show is free, the food is awesome, and the drinks are cheap as usual.

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Movie Movie Podcast LIVE: The Bourne Legacy

Hey guys, so now that the summer movie season is starting to wind down, and we’ve gotten a number of podcasts under our belt, we’ve decided that it’s time to get everyone else in on the fun.

Next thursday (Aug. 16th) after our monthly show Pig Pile (9:30pm at The Creek and the Cave) we are going to record a live podcast.  We are going to get the audience involved and get your guys’ opinions of the film we review.  With The Bourne Legacy coming out this weekend, we figure this is the biggest and best film that a lot of people are going to see, so it should work perfectly. It also might be terrible, so it’ll be fun to talk about either way.

If you want to not only come to Pig Pile and enjoy all the improv,sketch,and standup that we typically have and then stick around to podcast The Bourne Legacy with us, it will be an awesome time.  Also if you want to come and see The Bourne Legacy with the four of us at MMP, we are going to see it this Sunday morning at 10:15am at the AMC Loews 34th Street in midtown.  Tickets are only $7, so it’s even more worth it.

Come be a part of Movie Movie Podcast history!

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Fake Movie Friday – The Lucky Picture

Nicholas Sparks is known far and wide for basically taking the same book and re-working it so he can squeeze another Channing Tatum vehicle out of it.  Knowing this, my good friends Michelle Tully and Tom Censani, came up with a play on The Lucky One called The Lucky Picture.  I have taken several liberties with their plot as it was originally only 4 drunken sentences I wrote on my iPhone in the bar.

The film stars Chris Pine as a down on his luck surgeon named Max.  Patient after patient has died on his watch and he is having what surgeons call “bad luck”.  He considers at one point giving up his profession, his life, and moving back from the big city to the midwest to open up a small-town practice. One night while out with his friends and few too many drinks, he takes a cab home and in the backseat there is a random polaroid headshot of a woman.  The photo is of Isla Fisher. He speaks to the photo and says something lame like “I bet she’s having better luck than me…wherever she is…”

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Fake Movie Friday – Charlie Falls

Charlie Falls

Charlie Falls is loosely based on a non-existent author’s latter teenage years growing up in 1970’s Westchester, NY with his parents.  Josh Hutcherson plays Charlie.  His name is Charlie because it makes for a great title (Charlie Bartlett, Charlie Wilson’s War, Charlie St. Cloud). This is the type of movie that comes out in the early fall just as college students are going back to school.  The audience is clearly HS and college girls who think they are different and like dramas with cute boys.  It will have a very indie-fonted posted, and be reminiscent of something someone would make if they have only ever seen Wes Anderson films and nothing else.

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